The impact of deodorant on our hormones
Have you ever heard that deodorant with aluminium is bad for you because of the hormones in your body? But what's the deal with that?
Well, here's the deal: aluminium is often used in deodorant because it stops sweat. But some studies suggest that it can also mess with your hormones. Basically, aluminium can act like estrogen or interfere with how estrogen works, which can mess up your hormonal balance. This can lead to problems like not being able to have kids, period problems, and even breast cancer.
But don't worry, there are natural deodorants out there that don't have aluminium and might be better for your hormones. These deodorants use natural stuff like essential oils, magnesium, and plant oils to stop sweat smells. And some of these ingredients, like arrowroot and coconut oil, can even kill bacteria so you won't smell as bad!
Just remember that our hormones are super complicated and there are lots of things that can mess them up. Avoiding deodorants with aluminium can help you be exposed to fewer bad chemicals, but it's just one part of being healthy. So make sure you eat well and exercise to keep your hormones in check!